
How to build backlinks smartly? Thanks to building quality backlinks

How to build backlinks

Link building is one of the cornerstones of any good SEO. The cornerstone of good link building is building quality backlinks that will give your site a good ranking and improve its position in search results. But how to do it?

Link building and its division

Bulding backlinks is an extremely important off page factor for search engine optimization. We divide seo link building into two types, depending on whether it’s building backlinks within your site or linking to other websites. It is therefore about:

  • internal link building
  • external link building

How to build quality links in internal link building

Internal link building is a less frequently discussed part of a simple backlink network. Most people tend to focus more on the external part of this issue. At the same time, quality backlinks within your own website are not only essential from the point of view of SEO but also from the point of view of the customer and his ability to orient himself well on your website.

The advantages of well-designed internal link building are:

  • Clear user navigation
  • The value of the pages is transferred to subpages
  • Robots have better access to subpages

The main mistake that people most often make in internal link building is the so-called orphan sites. Orphan sites have no internal link in internal linking so robots often do not register them at all. This is also a problem for external link building. If you place your backlink on the orphan site of the referring site, the robots will not find it. This problem is solved by the SEO tool Bzoomer which places links only to those pages that have a certain indexing.

Link building on a blog

A specific form of internal link building is the creation of content on microsites. In most cases it will be a web blog. There you can publish quality content that will also carry links to other pages of your site. In addition to links, your own blog provides a new space for content marketing and other (not only) SEO options.

How to build quality links in external link building

When we talk about external link building, we are talking about backlinks outside your site that link to your site. The higher the ranking of a given URL, the more value (link juice) is transferred to your site.

The most common methods of building quality backlinks include creating quality content on professional sites (including wikipedia), participating in discussion forums (appropriate web focus), partnership with influencers, using reviews, social media activity, or using the SEO tool Bzoomer which does this instead of you.

The use of SEO tools has several great advantages. The SEO tool Bzoomer automates the building of quality backlinks so that there is no need to build them manually. It saves you time, builds quality and relevant content, and even shares and likes social media posts. SEO tools are among the great additions to manual link building.

Link building strategies – How to do it?

The link building strategy is based on a search engine optimization or SEO strategy of which link building is an integral part. That Is why quality link building is based on keywords that you specify during the creation of the page to which you need to create backlinks.

A good link building strategy involves site selection where will be the links to your site. When selecting sites try to ensure:

  • Relevant Content – The content of the landing page should be relevant to your keyword
  • Quality domain – The domain of the referring site should reach at least Domain Authority 20 (especially enough links leading to the domain of the referring site)
  • Quality page – The page where will be the link should have indexing and a high. Page Authority (especially enough links leading to the URL address of the linking page)
  • The correct link format – see below what the link should look like

Ensuring these parameters is quite difficult in practice because you often have no influence on the content of third parties. This is solved by Bzoomer which creates a complex link structure. These links support each other and secure their own authority which they eventually transfer to your site.

Link building strategy

What should a quality backlink look like?

Creating links manually can be a bit tricky. Ideally a link building specialist should do it. You can use an SEO tool that thinks about the correctness of the backlinks packages or buy backlinks. A good backlink must take some form.

It is always important to look after the following factors:

  • Link text (anchor text) – words that the user clicks on in the text. It should always be formatted as a link (blue, underlined) and it should contain the keywords you selected.
  • The title of the link – this is displayed to the user when hovering the cursor over the anchor text. It should again contain the required keywords, ideally specifying the final landing page to the user.
  • Attribute “rel“– it has either the value ‘follow’ or ‘unfollow’. If the attribute is set to ‘follow’ the search engine counts the link as a backlink and continues to treat it that way. If the attribute is ‘unfollow’ the search engine does not treat it as a backlink. The second option is common for example in places with advertising links where we can get many new visitors but search engines could penalize link building.
  • Link location – that is where your link is located on another page. Ideal placement is in the text of a webpage, preferably near the keywords. The pages consider the placement of the backlink in the footer as an inappropriate location.
  • Purpose of the link – that is what page you link your user to. When doing so think primarily about relevance. The visitor should not be forced to search your site. A quality backlink should lead them directly to the most relevant page – again consider where the backlink is located on the landing page.
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